Recently I read this blog titled "I look down on young women with husband's and kids, and I'm not sorry." I was honestly stunned. I knew that there were people who felt like that. Choosing motherhood is very often misunderstood these days.
BUT I thought the point of feminism was that women had a choice. We fought for the right to be seen as equally relevant, equally respectable, equally capable of choosing our paths for ourselves. We wanted to be able to be what ever we dreamed of.
I dreamed of being a mother. From the first moment I could dream I wanted this life. As a toddler my babies went everywhere I went. When my brother was born just before my 4th birthday I was in heaven. A little being for me to love and protect, teach and nurture. And until he was 18 I did so. Even after I tried. For most of his life I was the only mother he had.
When I met my guy I knew. I knew we could be a team. I knew we could make a family. Then our first was born and I had my dream. I was a wife and mother. My choice had always been made. It was made against my family's desires for me, against what society thought. I lost people due to my choice but I knew it was the right choice for me.
As I've grown and shed the disappointment of others and become more empowered in my choice I've realized that is what true feminism is. Making the choice we desire for ourselves, celebrating it, and celebrating other women happy in their choice. It can be no kids, no spouse, no career, all of it. What ever choice makes each individual happy deserves respect, love, and support. We owe that to our sisters in this journey of life.