Thursday, May 26, 2011

Am I ready for this?

Beehive, painted and assembled....................check
Bee book(s) read and studied.........................check
Equipment purchased and ready to don.......check
Syrup made and ready for use.......................check
Neighbors on standby to watch......................check far a no show.

So we wait.


  1. It appears from your later post that all went well. Good for you. Prior planning prevents poor performance, and you had it wired.

  2. It doesn't hurt to have people you can call when you are in a panic because you are not sure you are doing something right. Although I DID practice a few times before the bees got here :)


We love comments! We are happy to answer questions, join in debate and conversation, or just say hi. All we ask is for respect. Respect us and others. Keep it civil. Obviously we aren't afraid of cussing but we don't like anyone degraded or invalidated.

We also know we make mistakes. Feel free to call us out. You can't improve things that need it if you aren't aware of it.

If you have an opinion share it but know if it is going to cause hurt to someone we care about we will not approve it.

Most of all have fun!!