To be causing such problems. I broke a tooth. That one, right down there.

I went to the dentist who told me enough of the tooth had broke that I was going to need a root canal. Now look close at that root. Does that look normal to you? No? Me either. It is shaped like a corkscrew. Not so easy to do a root canal on. He was only able to get half of the nerve but figured I would be ok. I was not. Two days later, I was in his office, in tears. He hollowed out my tooth like a pumpkin and took out the posts from the root canal. He then packed the hollow tooth with gauze so the infection could drain and covered it all with a temporary filling.
Last night I hurt so badly I wanted to rip the damn thing out of my mouth myself. My pain pills are not doing a thing and the fact that this tooth sits under your sinuses (I developed a sinus infection that first day) didn't help. I called the dentist at home today and begged him to pull the tooth. He found one of his assistants who was willing to come in on a Saturday and told me to come on in. He studied my x rays while he waited for me to get there and told me I had two options.
Option A: He pulls the tooth. There is a strong possibility that root will just break right off and he will have to remove some of my jawbone to fish it out.
Option B: I go to an oral surgeon who will do the exact same thing, but has the capabilities to put me under if that happens. He can also build up the jawbone for the implant I will need to fix this mess.
I of course opted for option B. I was prescribed stronger antibiotics and some Percoset to get me through until I can call the surgeon on Monday.
Just thought I would let you all know why I am going to be out of the blogging sphere for a while.